Amazing, huh? I only write about things I've actually seen for myself.
I heard about the film, was told I might like it, and decided to go one afternoon. Before entering the theater, I had no idea what the film was about. I heard it was about irascible scientists, but that was all. The start of the film....done in documentary Ben Stein, a Jewish American Conservative who has the ability to transcend cultural boundaries like few can. There are those of you who will recall back in the late 90's, Comedy Central was the home of the game show "Win Ben Stein's Money". It was a question and answer game that pitted one contestant against another, with the winner taking on Mr. Stein for the ultimate prize. Mr. Stein is the narrator and chief interviewer of the principals in this film, and I supposed that makes him the star...although it's hard to discount the movie's content as the real star.
Most people will not recognize the style of documentary that this film employs. Unlike some documentaries, where factual information is only revealed if it fits the point which the producer is trying to make, "Expelled" leaves it up to you the viewer to decide what you think. Now to be fair, I'm sure some of the interviewee's were shown in a less-than-flattering way, but they were all full university professors, and therefore responsible in some fashion for their own presentation and representation. They also knew what the movie was about. No Borat shenanigans going on here.
As the movie went on, one COULD NOT escape the feeling that I was seeing the same things as I see with Former Senator/Vice President/Presidential Nominee/Under 275 lb's/Al Gore's: "An Inconvenient Truth"
Oh. I just realized I haven't told you what the documentary was about.
It's about what I would dare to say is the "DEBATE" about Darwinism and Intelligent Design, but I put "debate" in quotes and capitalized it because the same thing is happening in our universities about this topic as is happening with respect to global warming. Remember? Al Gore - backed by his scientific constituents - declared "There is no more debate", and for over 3 years now he has taken great steps to ensure there HAS been no debate - even if millions and millions and millions feel perhaps there SHOULD be. If you are a scientist anywhere in the world and you question the validity of the global warming theory - Damn! I said "theory" didn't I? - if you're a scientist and you question the FACT of global warming, you won't be able to raise a dime to research the mating habits of dust bunny's.
Same thing with ID vs Darwinism. "Expelled" roots out an on-going scandal in our world educational society. If you declare a belief in God and ID - even if it is in CONJUNCTION with Darwinism - you will be fired, blacklisted, and re-hired nowhere.
Nowhere. All because they dare to be a college professor who says, "Hey, you know what? I believe in God, and I believe he did a good job on this place."
Now....going into the theater, I believed in the compromise theory myself. Have for probably 2 decades or more. I believe man evolved from a single cell...but something had to start that cell to begin with. We know it's hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon, and oxygen...but we don't know who or what invented or lead to these products being formed.
I also believe all people see the same God, the only difference being the way they see him. If I'm born 5,000 years ago in Eastern Tibet, you can bet your ass I don't see God as a white dude. 5,000 years ago in Tibet....NO ONE had ever seen a white dude, and on and on....get it?
So go watch the movie, and form your own opinion....or like me...NOT form your opinion. Just soak it all in and learn from it.
Out of 5 possible, I give this one 4 banana's.

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